
"If you always take care of it, it will please generations"

In principle, the following applies to every cutting board, it should be cleaned after every use to prevent food residues and germs from settling.

Our cutting boards require only a simple hand wash with a damp cloth or sponge, warm water and a mild detergent to clean them.

The board should then be dried.
You can wipe the board with paper or a cloth towel and place it upright in the air to dry. But never in direct sunlight

If you use wooden boards to process strong-smelling, particularly colouring foods or sensitive foods such as meat and fish, you should rinse the cutting board immediately after use under lukewarm water.

If odours or discolourations do occur on the board, treat the wooden boards with salt and lemon as shown below.


Single Steps

1. rinsing

Rinse the cutting board with clear water and rub it with half a lemon.

2. distribute salt

Spread generously coarse salt on the chopping board.

3. grate lemon

Rub the salt with half the lemon.

4. rinse with water

Rinse with clear water and dry afterwards.

Treat with oil

Finally treat with a suitable care oil, e. g. SIA cutting board oil.

How this works you can see here.